Tuesday, February 23, 2010


there is a light
that shines so bright

so deep and strong
and ever long

that those that see
will always see

all that comes
within its sums

so much that they
and come what may

will always know
the light that shows

the depth of grace
seen in His trace

that ever glows
and always knows

the truth of sight
that comes in the light.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

in the fire

its those times of being in the fire when we realize what we've really asked for. did we ask for the fire? probably not. who would ask to be burned? to be perfected and shaped and molded through a heat unimaginable to be able to withstand? no one. and if anyone does, it must be because they are crazy.

but nevertheless, the fire comes. sometimes it comes without warning and because of no certain reason. but sometimes it comes because we asked for it. not for the fire, but we asked for something and that certain something is perhaps one of those very things that can only be gained or obtained through fire.

and it's in those moments when we realize that thing we asked for last week or last month or last year is one of these hard things that comes when you pass through the fire--and maybe one of those things where you have to stand inside the fire a while before you can get it. and then the question comes...

why did i ask for it? what was i thinking! is this really worth it?

and that's the question that is only answered after you come through the fire and make it out of the heat of life. but the point remains, you are in the fire. i am in the fire. we are in the fire.

whether its now or later...we are all in the fire at some point. the real question that we can ask when we hit the fire is to ask for help. and help will come. and my guess is that this help is part of not only coming out of the fire, but also obtaining and gaining that initial thing we asked for.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

a beckoning...speak

a quiet beckoning in my soul...
please speak

with so much noise around
yet my ears are not satisfied
my soul not satisfied

oh i need you to speak

to hear the voice that i know so well
to feel that peace of the hum of your words
to see you move and shift life to share your quiet whisper

this is what my soul is beckoning for!

let my eyes open
my ears block out the other noise
my thoughts to only hear the beating of my heart

that i may hear the true voice
of the one that speaks
not to make noise

but to quiet my soul
to quicken my heart
to question my thoughts

to light the path
to lift the spirit
to lavish me with love

oh speak
oh please speak

i am listening.